Join us for a Meet Your Neighbor Party complete with good cheer, bratwurst, and beer on October 14, 2017 from 3-5pm.
Who: Homeowners and Invited Guests
Where: Classic Homes at Forest Lakes located at 2312 Pelican Bay Drive, Monument, CO 80132
What: Oktoberfest Neighborhood Potluck. Bring your favorite dish and recipe to share. Brats and drinks provided by Classic Homes and PenTrust.
Forest Lakes is located on the west side of I-25 off Baptist Road. From I-25 exit Baptist Road (Exit 158) and go west. Continue straight through round-a-bout and over bridge. Veer right after bridge and you enter
Forest Lakes. Turn left onto Pelican Bay Drive and models on corner.
Please RSVP by October 10th at [email protected] or 719-481-9828.
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